Tuesday, March 18, 2008


I bought a pair of galoshes today. Not to match Princess Diana's, but to keep my feet dry and warm while outside fixing signs today. Not a perfect match, but just as ugly. And my feet were great all day. The best part is that someone asked me if I bought them at Dillards! What a scream.

engagement # 40


Unknown said...

Very fun!
I love my galoshes! People look at me funny when I wear them (mind you it's poorin the rain out)so I say to myself, "your feet are wet and mine are dry.":)

Bryan Tucker said...

you are living in the country now, they must be called crap kickers. galoshes are for them city folk.

Teri said...

yeah, we have about 6 pair of not so cute "galoshes" standing in our garage complete with mud and other substances drying and caking on. Duke (the lab) carries them out to the front yard one by one and leaves them to dry in the sun. If I'm lucky, it rains hard and they get washed off naturally. I love the country.