Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Singing in the Brain

This is the title of a book mark saw while in a barnes&noble in KC. he suggested i use it as my blogs title, should i ever start a new one. Well, since i barely keep up with this one, i just changed its title. Likie, no likie?

Some schools started today. Please do not take this the wrong way, but i cannot wait until ours does. I love my kids and i love summer, but i am so ready for a few hours by myself. And as any mom/wife who works even part time outside her home knows, work does not count as by yourself.

I love, love, love being by myself. I am a terrible friend because of that, i know. I do not enjoy chatting on the phone, at least not for a long time. And i don't mind spending time alone. My family does not always understand that, i know. Neither do some friends. But i have at least one that does, she will remain nameless since i have not asked permission to use her as an example. But i know it is true because we were just talking about this last week. :)

On the trip to kc, of course there was no alone time. The trip was fine, between sky and b argueing, and mark and b argueing, i am sure a great time lurked somewhere. Not that i was the perfect wife and mother on the trip, so changes could have been made all around. Let's just say, i am in no hurry for any more road trips any time soon.

Mark did buy me an amazingly cool ring while we were on this trip. It is stainless steel with a perdoit(?) stone. the stone is held in place by pressure from the sides of the ring. It is so cool and the stone is green which i love. And, soon we will take my engagement ring to the davidsons jewelry in branson, so they can fix it. I cannot wait to be able to wear it again, i have really missed it.

Time for the ortho for b, so i will stop for now. Maybe more after we get back.


Anonymous said...

I am a green girl, myself. I was so excited when Emma was born in August which has peridot as a birthstone! She's a "greeney" too.
By the way, we have missed seeing you!

hillenblogshappywife said...

we have missed seeing you all too!Maybe at church tonight, or Sunday for sure!
the stone is not the one of my birth, that is topaz, but i just love the green so much more!!

Anonymous said...

wow, i enjoyed spending time with you, too.

Teri said...

I, too, am a loner! It's so nice to know that I am not alone with this need to be alone! I need that time by myself, I crave it, and get irritable w/o it. So, where's your next roadtrip?!

hillenblogshappywife said...

I have to redact a statement in my blog:
Singing in the brain was not a book mark saw, he saw Singing in the rain, and just thought up Singing in the brain,i just do not give that guy enough credit!!

Anonymous said...

yes, some schools did is unfortunate i think. it was actually more like ONE school started.

Anonymous said...

I guess I must just be a weirdy but I am dreading school starting. I love having my kids around all the time and the thought of them going off and leaving me makes me almost cry! Last year I spent every morning depressed and watching the Brady Bunch thinking one day I'll have enough kids so that my husband will let me have a live in maid so I won't have to be lonely!