Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My parents are not ornery

I guess according to anonymous, i misused the word ornery. My parents are not ornery, it made my day that they did that to my car! I thought it was very funny! I guess they are more mischevious instead. I can't seem to post comments, I keep getting an error message. So this was really a comment on my last blog...

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Lordy, Lordy, Cindy's Forty

Friday was my 40th birthday. Because I had already had a Come to Jesus meeting with Him and myself, I had decided to try really hard to not be depressed. So I woke up, had some coffee, made breakfast, got the kids off to school, saw Mark off to work, and went to work myself. Also at some point in there, I got 2 new blouses from the fam. So I went off to work, dressed in black dress pants, but a great green sweater vest over white sleeves. I was feeling pretty good...eye makeup was better than it had been in a while, age defying moisturizer seemed to be working okay...I was off to a quiet day at the office. Little did I know that some scheming had been happening behind the scenes. First, everyone in black. Balloons with various age discriminating messages on them at my desk. But the most unbelievable scheme was everyone was in jeans except for me! In case you don't know, we only get to wear jeans on the last Friday of the month. So an extra jean day is something to be celebrated! But not if you are not in on it! Gary was out of town, so tried to claim innocence, but I found out rather quickly, that not only was he in on it, but my very own hillenblog was part of the nasty scheme. But it was too clever to not enjoy, so I forgave everyone and went about my day.
Around 11 my mom in law brought me a homemade redvelvet cake, which I had a piece of right away. It was amazing! Then we all had lunch in the office, and the office had also gotten me a cake, and Tammie had brought in some apple cobbler! Oh, my! What a great day! But perhaps the funniest for me was walking out to my car to find the above---and it took me forever to guess who had done it. I guessed just about everyone I know before saying " it couldn't have been my parents?" only to be told that yes, that is exactly who it was! My parents had driven to the office to decorate my car! My mom said later they tried to find some black balloons, but couldn't or they would have put them on my car too! I'll tell ya what, my parents are more ornery since my dad retired!!!
Then Friday evening, we went to Ocean's Zen for dinner, which is one of my favorite places.
While there, I received a velour jogging suit, with a cute t-shirt from New York and Co.
LOVE IT! Thanks, family. After dinner, off to see BEE MOVIE, which is pretty funny. So all in all, not a bad day for turning 40. The big 40. More than half my life gone, most likely. All down hill from here...oh wait, wait, it is not gonna bother me at all!:)